Sunday, November 9, 2014

10 denizens of the deep that will give you nightmares

Who knows what is out there in the deep ocean many hundreds of meters down. Well we know of 10 denizens of the deep that look as though they have come straight from your nightmares. They will make you think twice before you enter the water again, at least if you are considering entering the Mariana Trench.

Goblin Shark
[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]

The goblin shark is enough to make anyone afraid to step into the water ever again. The shark measures between 8 and 13 feet in length and it was first discovered in 1898. It is said that the male of the species can weigh as much as 463 pounds.

Hatchet Fish
[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]

The Hatchet fish seems to have sad faces with huge eyes. They have organs that can produce light and they are typically found in water at a depth of around 600 to 4500 feet, one reason why their eyes are protruding.

The Football fish
[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]

The football fish gets its name as it vaguely resembles a football. It is said to use the bulbous lure on top of its head to attract prey, which it then proceeds to snatch in its deadly jaws and eat.

Frilled Shark
[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]

The frilled shark has 300 trident shaped teeth which align on 25 rows, so you would know if this shark took a bite out of you. It is a prehistoric beast with record breaking gestation periods for sharks; it takes three and a half years of pregnancy before the shark gives birth.

Dumbo Octopus
[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]

The Dumbo octopus gets its name from the cute cartoon elephant with huge ears. However there is nothing cute about this. It is the ear-like fins that give it the name and this octopus is said to live in water at depths of around 10,000 to 11,000 feet. It eats worms and crustaceans, so it shouldn’t take a bite from you.

Fanfin Seadevil
[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]
The Seadevil is said to be in the same family as the Anglerfish, with the male of the species growing to around a half inch in length, while the females grow to around 8 inches. The males breed by fusing onto the female in the same way that a parasite does and they share her bloodstream.

The Dragonfish
[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]

The Dragonfish looks like it has come straight from the Alien movies and this fish is able to produce its own light. The fish is around 6 inches and has a barbell attached to its chin which helps it to attract its prey along with mates.

The Telescopic Octopus
[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]

This species of octopus has eyes that are located on top of long stalks that can move around and rotate. This means that it has a very long range of vision. Its body is transparent, which makes it looks ghost like.

[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]

The Barreleye is usually found down in the ocean at around 2000 feet and its head is transparent. The fish has eyes that are very sensitive with green lenses above them that filter out the sunlight.

The Viperfish
[Image Courtesy of Blazepress]

The Viperfish is another creature that would look right at home in the Alien movies. Its home is in water of around 5000 feet in depth and it has teeth that are so long that they do not fit into its mouth. The teeth curve towards the eye of the fish and the fish catches prey by high speed swimming and then impaling its dinner onto the fangs. They are around 12 feet in length.
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