
Friday, December 5, 2014

Why We Should Be Afraid Of Robots. No, Seriously. We Should Be.

Robots will, one day, replace us. This goes without question. I know that sounds like a science fiction thing, but it's real life for sure. I'm talking Terminator. I'm talking I, Robot. I'm talking Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Don't believe me? Here are some of the creepiest developments in artificial intelligence that scientists made and will surely destroy us all.

1.) CB2: The Robot That Will Replace Your Kids.
Professor Ishiguro at the Science and Technology Department of Japan's Osaka University created (for whatever reason) a 4-foot tall robot with the same intellect and personality as a 2-year-old. This robot has no practical purpose, unless you feel like hanging out with a terrifying droid toddler.

2.) WD-2: The Robot That Can Mimic Your Face.
The "Face-Bot" uses 17 key points of mobility to shape-shift into any human face and expression smoothly. If others can harness this technology, it will be hard for us to tell the difference between humans and Cylons.

3.) The Nautilus: The Robot That Can Predict The Future.
The Nautilus scans through news stories and finds patterns to predict when and where things will happen. It predicted the location of Osama Bin Laden just by perusing articles written about the terrorist. Nautilus narrowed him down to Abbottobad, Pakistan, the exact location of Bin Laden's compound. The Nautilus also accurately predicted when uprisings in the Middle East will occur.

4.) Robots Who Evolved To Evolve: Real Life Deceit-icons.
The Laboratory of Intelligent Systems created an experiment presenting robots with a choice between a food source and poison. It didn't take long for the robots to realize that you could just follow blue lights of other robots to find the food source. So most of the robots, to get more points in the experiment, turned off the blue lights to fool other robots. Some would even lead the other robots away from the source with their blue light, and kept the food source to themselves.Readmore
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