Thursday, January 29, 2015

Artist Depicts World Rulers In “The Daily Duty”. It Turns Out They Are People Too!

Italy-based artist Cristina Guggeri recently released a series of images called Il Dovere Quotidiano, or “The Daily Duty”, which features a collection of world rulers on the toilet. The inferred purpose of this particular work of art is to show that the people who “lord” over us and claim authority are flesh and blood people just like me and you. The art features anyone from Barack Obama, to Vladimir Putin, to the pope and the queen of England.  This is a reminder to everyone that those in power do not really have “special powers” like the media would like everyone to believe.

The photos have amused millions around the world, but some people who seem to have an unhealthy love of authority have taken offense to the photos, saying that they are disrespectful. It would be interesting to hear what the people who were depicted would have to say, and how seriously they take themselves.

Out of all of those who were selected, it would probably be safe to say that that the Dalai Lama would have the best sense of humor about it.

Guggeri is an experienced artist with a number of past exhibits, but this does seem to be her most political, and socially provocative work so far. With millions of views worldwide, it also seems like this is also her most popular so far.

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