Saturday, March 21, 2015

These People Turned Log Piling Into An Art Form

For those of you that live in cold climates, the log pile is well known and often taken for granted. A place where logs are chopped and stored, dried out and then used to keep the fire churning throughout the chilly winter months. Log piles are usually neat and orderly, each piece of sliced wood stacked atop the other.

What does your log pile look like? Likely it is just a plain pile of logs, chopped and ready to fuel your fire when the time comes. But for some people, log pilling is a true art form that allows them to express their creative nature. Turns out your standard old log pile can be turned into something pretty incredible.

By slicing wood into different shapes, and sizes, and by combining different shades of wood, artists are able to capture a picture using wood as their canvas and paints.

Check out these incredible log piles that offer more than just the promise of warmth, but the magical feeling that comes with looking at any stunning work of art.

Man Made Of Wood Pile 

Don’t even think about stealing from this guy’s pile–he’s ready and waiting for anyone that thinks they can get away with free firewood!

A Hoot Log Pile 

Owls appear to be a popular bird made out of wood piles. Judging by the two different owls pictured below, there are many different ways to create the look of an owl with only a few different types of wood. Can you imagine how much time and planning must go into these adorable birds so that they look just right!?

A Tree Pile

These chopped logs pay tribute to the large, standing tree they once made up. The leaves, branches, and trunk are made of wood, yet carefully pieced together so that each part of the tree looks completely different.

I sure would love to show off my wood pile if it looked like any of these masterpieces. The only thing is, I’d probably have a really cold house because I wouldn’t want to dismantle the perfect log picture sitting out in my yard.

Scaly Logs 

A crocodile, intricate pattern, or tree? This pile of wood is up for interpretation… no matter what it reminds you of, it sure looks cool. Just don’t take the logs out of the center, or else you risk the whole picture falling to wooden pieces.

Fireplace Pile 

These logs resemble the fireplace they will someday fuel… if you use your imagination they may also resemble a pizza oven or a little house.

All-In-One Log Pile

How fast can your log pile travel? Apparently this guy can drive his pile all over town. He can also live in his multipurpose pile of logs.

The Wood Has Eyes 

Get your hoot on, here are some more owls made out of wood pilings. The details in the eyes of the owl on the right amaze, and sort of frighten me. The colors used to form the owl on the left look nothing like the plain shade of wood you might assume with a pile of logs.

Eagle Logs 

There are so many details in this log pile. At first you might only notice the smiling bird with his wings outstretched, but look carefully and more details can be identified. On the far right side of the log pile, an axe sits wedged into a pile of wood, the handle crafted with talent, care, and extreme attention to detail.

If you could craft your log pile into anything in the world, what would it be?
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