Saturday, March 7, 2015

What 10 REAL Doctors Discovered Inside Of Their Patients Will Leave You Speechless

It really isn't a shock that people are always finding new and creative ways to injure themselves. What is shocking is actually seeing the X-ray photos of these injuries.

Through the miracle of X-ray technology, medical professionals can now see the bodily trauma their patients have undergone. This allows them to better comprehend how serious the injury is as well as make better treatment decisions. The X-rays also serve as a reminder of what close calls some of these injuries really were. It really makes you wonder...what were these people thinking?!

#1 This woman's stomach contained a grand total of 78 pieces of cutlery.

#2 Apparently, aerosol cans are pretty common foreign bodies found in people's rectums. 

#3 If you happen to have a pair of scissors in or around your mouth, please don't swallow them.

#4 This guy had a deodorant bottle jammed inside his body. Doesn't it say on the label, "for external use only"?

#5 That's one way to smuggle a cell phone into a big exam.

#6 This terrorist further demonstrated his stupidity by swallowing a grenade without having anyway to detonate it.

#7 A young girl thought that some metal objects were candies. You'd think she would've stopped after the first one. Luckily, she was okay.

#8 Despite what you may think, an instant coffee jar will not help your digestive tract.

#9 This guy was stabbed in the head when he and some friends tried to stop a bus robbery. He later recovered from his injury.

#10 This man denied that he had put a bottle up his rectum and tried to remove it with a wire. The doctors had to show him the X-ray to get him to admit it.

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