Cosmos is filled with extraordinary photos of the universe and tales of missions to explore it. To coincide with the show's launch, NASA released a slew of their own amazing images of missions or phenomena that are mentioned on the show, the best of which we've compiled below.
An ultraviolet photo of the Andromeda Galaxy. |
The remnants of a supernova explosion float through space. |
Titan, Saturn's orange moon, hovers behind the planet's rings. |
Solar material bursts from the Sun. |
A map displaying Earth and a few of its neighbors. |
Earth's closest neighbor, the moon. |
This picture is a collection of visible radio and X-ray data that show the remnants of another supernova. |
Visible data and infrared images combine to provide this photo of the Ring Nebula. |
The mother planet. |
An aurora, seen from space. |