
Monday, April 6, 2015

Eye Candy for Space Geeks: 10 Stunning Photos From 'Cosmos'

Cosmos is filled with extraordinary photos of the universe and tales of missions to explore it. To coincide with the show's launch, NASA released a slew of their own amazing images of missions or phenomena that are mentioned on the show, the best of which we've compiled below.
An ultraviolet photo of the Andromeda Galaxy.
The remnants of a supernova explosion float through space.
Titan, Saturn's orange moon, hovers behind the planet's rings.
Solar material bursts from the Sun.
A map displaying Earth and a few of its neighbors.
Earth's closest neighbor, the moon.
This picture is a collection of visible radio and X-ray data that show the remnants of another supernova.
Visible data and infrared images combine to provide this photo of the Ring Nebula.
The mother planet.
An aurora, seen from space.
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