Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Meet The Coconut Crab, The Monstrous Crustacean That Can Climb Any Tree It Wants

When it comes to weird and terrifying sea creatures, giant crabs are the creepiest. However, there is another kind of giant crab living on land that technically wouldn't make the list.

This creature is the coconut crab. Come to think of it, the fact that it lives on land probably makes it even more scary than its sea-dwelling cousins. It can terrorize you where you live.

The coconut crab is a species of hermit crab, but way bigger. They can grow to be up to 3 feet long, and weigh almost 10 pounds.

They're also hearty creatures, and can live to be up to 60 years old.

The coconut crab gets its name from their love of eating coconuts.

They're known to climb to the tops of coconut trees and cut down one or two coconuts.

They then climb back down and break the coconuts open with their claws, feasting on the delicious insides.
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