Wednesday, November 19, 2014

These Amazing Places Look Magical, But You Can Find Them Here On Earth.

If you look at these photos, you might think they were created on a film set or a computer. They look like a work of fantasy, devoid of magical beings that should rightly be within frame. But that's not the case. These photos come from right here on Earth. If you ever thought that terrestrial life was dull, check these out and enjoy some newfound appreciation for our little planet's amazing beauty.

1.) Lake Hillier, "The Pink Lake," Western Australia
This lake on the Recherche Archipelago is famed for its pink color. Scientists are still trying to figure out exactly how it gets its color. The popular theory is bacteria. And yes, you can swim in it.

2.) Rainbow Mountains, Gansu Province, China
These mountains in the Zhangye Danxia Geological Park feature multicolored striations of sandstone collected over the period of 24 million years. Erosion sculpted the mountains into impressive peaks and spires, and revealed the colors below.

3.) Antarctica
The frozen wilds of Antarctica are some of the last places on Earth not crawling with humans, and they make spectacular vistas like this possible.

4.) Three Sisters Volcano, Oregon, USA
This volcano in the Cascade Range gets its name from its three joint peaks. The peaks are nicknamed Faith (to the north) Hope (in the middle) and Charity (to the south).

5.) Apostle Islands, Wisconsin, USA
The Apostle Islands in Lake Superior are known for their shoreline sea caves (or, in this case, lake caves). The caves are home to dazzling icicle displays in the colder months.
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